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The Sign where MOON is posited at birth is called the RADICAL SIGN OF MOON , which is also known as Chandra Lagana..

There is another expression in vouge in describing the Chandra Lagana — that is RASHI.

The transit of SATURN in the 12th, 1st, and the 2nd houses from MOON goes under the name of “SADE SATI” (7 and half years of Saturn’s sojourn) .

The Native born under Virgo ( Kanya ) Rashi will be freed from the evil effect of Saturn’s transit from Leo to Libra , from 3rd Nov 2014, Saturn will enter in Scorpio.

The Moon in Virgo-with O deg 01 min. Or with 29 deg 59 min. should be treated in the same way ? We opine that transit of Saturn’s should be calculated for each and every Birth chart individually for duration of sade sati.

Before 45deg. and after 45deg. of the Moon’s Long. Will give the correct period of Sani Sade sati for that particular Birth chart. Therefore, each Birth chart for the same Virgo Rashi having different Moon’s long. Will have different date, not 3rd Nov 2014.

Those having 0 deg. or 1 deg. (just entered in Virgo) will have earlier relief from Saturn’s evil effect, and Birth chart with Moon’s long. 29 deg. in Virgo will feel evil effect beyond this 3rd Nov 2014.

We follow this in our practice to calculate the duration of sade sati, needs further Research.

We always welcome your co-operation, kindly favour with your valuable suggestions.

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