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Saturn which is considered to be the servant among the planets is responsible for any prolonged diseases. Various conjunctions of the Saturn is in charge of sickness like fear complex, ear problem, asthma when it is afflicted by Mercury. Impotency is one of the major problems when a chart shows Saturn afflicting Jupiter picture. Saturn Sun in evil aspect causes…

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Benefits of Jupiter & Venus

Benefits of Jupiter & Venus

Jupiter And Venus are highly beneficial planets in Astrology, In Astrology, Jupiter is a planet of plenty. It is tolerant and expansive. The first of the social planets, Jupiter seeks insight through knowledge. Some of this planet’s keywords include morality, gratitude, hope, honour, and the law. Jupiter is a planet of broader purpose, reach, and possibility. Jupiter has generally been…

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What is Nadi Astrology?

What is Nadi Astrology?

Nadi astrology is a predictive Hindu system of astrology which follows an entirely different and precise prediction method compared to the traditional Hindu Astrology Parshari Astrology and Jamini Astrology. It is an utmost precise prediction method covering various aspects of one’s life majorly related to Education, Career, Finance, Personal Relationships, Health and Relocation decisions. This system of Nadi is unlike…

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The 12 Rashis in April 2018

The 12 Rashis in April 2018

SUN will transit Aries On 14-4-2018 VENUS will transitTaurus On 20-4-2018 Aries Rashifal April 2018 In the beginning of the month, health may become a little confusing, blood pressure and fever can be complicated, vein related problem. So keep an eye on anger. . Business will increase in the economic situation will increase. Assistance from the official class. Honour will…

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