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Astrology Insights

Xth House

Xth House

Most important house to determine Occupation or Profession. Generally speaking:- Jupiter and Mercury refer         to              Intellectual Avocations, Venus                                     to              Aesthetic Professions, Sun, Moon, Mars                       to              Economic Occupations, Mercury                                 to              Traders, Saturn                                    to              Hard working job, Rahu & Ketu                           to              Routine workers If the Lord of the Navamsa occupied by the 10th lord is :- The Sun     …

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Transit Results of Planets

Transit Results of Planets

The Sign where MOON  is  posited  at birth  is  called  the  RADICAL  SIGN  OF  MOON , which  is  also  known  as  Chandra  Lagana..There is  another  expression  in  vouge  in  describing the  chandra  Lagana – that is  RASHI. The  difference  between  the  usages  should  be  clearly  understood  so  that  confusion  does  not  arise  while  making  reference. Reference  to  transit  of  planets …

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Tonsure (Mundan)

Tonsure (Mundan)

In 3rd. Or 5th. Year when jupiter and venus are free from combustion and when the sun is in the tropic of cancer. The bright fortnight is supposed to give longivity, while the darkaffects healht Good l.d-2nd.,3rd.,5th.,7th.,10th.,11th.,and 13th. Are good The new moon & full moon days should be rejected Favourable nakshatra- punarvasu, mrigasira, dhanishta, sravna, revati, pushya, chitta, aswini,…

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The Disease & Planets

The Disease & Planets

SUN Trouble from Pita, fever with pains, heart, stomach, eyes, skin, bones,   leprosy, apasmara, sudden fall, fear from enemies, gurus, danger from poison, weapons, danger to sun, danger from quadrupeds, trouble from thieves, fear from kings, anger of the family Deity, anger of the Serpent Gods, influence of Bhutas(evil sprits) MOON Increase of sleep, want of ability in any work,…

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For Surgical Operation

For Surgical Operation

After dark moon Never at the exact time of full moon Moon should be in the same sign as at the birth time Moon should not transit in the same sign ruling the part of the body be operated during the operation Should be commenced on tues or sat. When 8th. House is unoccupied Ruling constellation is –aridra,jyeshta,aslesha,or moola with…

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Properties of Planets

Properties of Planets

SUN: The sun is conceived to be tall person, fiery in nature, with yellow eyes, dark brown, bald head, bilious nature. He is the indicator of father, will power, strength of tissues, emotion, courage, reputation, authority and position. He has domain over the Government and officials, Places ruled by the Sun are Shrines, open places, range of mountains and hills,…

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Planets & Houses

Planets & Houses

1       A powerful benefic when he is in exaltation sign which does not happen to be Dusthana (6th, 8th or 12th) becomes powerful to do immense good. If by position, he is in the exaltation sign identical with a Kendra or Trikona he is most powerful to do good. A powerful benefic when in exaltation sign identical with the 2nd,…

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Planetary Relations

Planetary Relations

Planets are said to be friendly and inimically disposed towards each other. By friendship we mean that the rays of the one planet will be intensified by those of the other, declared as his friend, while the same rays will be counteracted by a planet who is an enemy. In Indian astrology there are two kinds of friendship recognized ,…

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