Nadi astrology is a predictive Hindu system of astrology which follows an entirely different and precise prediction method compared to the traditional Hindu Astrology Parshari Astrology and Jamini Astrology. It is an utmost precise prediction method covering various aspects of one’s life majorly related to Education, Career, Finance, Personal Relationships, Health and Relocation decisions. This system of Nadi is unlike…
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT AND AT THE SAME TIME THE MOST SIGNIFICANT KUTA Vatha Pitha Sleshma Ashwini Bharani Krittika Aridra Mrigshira Rohini Purarvasu Pushyami Ashlesha Uttra Pubba Makha Hasta Chitta Swati Jyeshta Anuradha Vishakha Moola Purvashadha Uttarashadha Satbhisha Dhanishta Sravana Purvabhadra Uttarabhadra Rewati If constellation of boy and…